MDF Partnership

Catalytic Capital Partners

A partnership between Impact Charitable and Mission Driven Finance, CCP leverages the deep, complementary capabilities of both organizations to connect more capital with communities.

Executive Overview

Catalytic Capital Partners LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Impact Charitable was established to create significant efficiencies for impact funds and projects that are increasingly attracting a combination of private, philanthropic, government, and grant capital. The partnership leverages Mission Driven Finance's deep experience in fund management, administration, and investment advisory services while engaging Impact Charitable’s experience and expertise in philanthropic, impact-first investments, integrated capital funds, and flexible grantmaking capabilities.

Mission Driven Finance and Impact Charitable have a history of bringing new tools and innovations to the impact investing ecosystem, and this new partnership is constructed to connect more capital with the community in funding that is structured to create the most impact.

Mission Driven Finance brings:

Fund design, building, management, and administration

Investment advisory services, including due diligence and transaction structuring

Investor relationships, management, reporting

Impact Charitable brings:

Philanthropic Investment expertise (direct, PRI facilitation, aggregation)

Grantmaking expertise

Custom program design for integrating grants and investments

Experienced government contractor (experienced in compliance, local, state & federal award management)

What the Partnership Offers

For Investors, Project Sponsors & Communities

Integrated Capital Strategies:

For communities, project sponsors who desire an integrated capital approach (investment capital alongside grant capital), the partnership now allows for a single relationship source for the creation of impact investment funds alongside grant funds and other creative program possibilities.

How It Works

About Mission Driven Finance

Mission Driven Finance is an impact investment firm dedicated to building a financial system that ensures good businesses have access to sufficient, affordable capital

Built from the ground up with a single purpose—to make it easy to invest in your community—all of their funds and structured products are designed to close financial gaps that will close opportunity gaps. They work with local and national investors to help them create the impact they want and work with businesses and community partners to help them get the capital they need. Mission Driven Finance was launched in 2016 in San Diego, CA, and is a Certified B Corporation.

In 2023, Mission Driven Finance was selected again for ImpactAssets’ IA 50 Fund Manager list, a category for experienced impact fund managers with a minimum three-year track record.

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