Free Guide

Enhancing Compensation Structures for Family, Friend, and Neighbor Providers in Jefferson County

Enhancing Compensation Structures Free Guide

About the Guide

The United States is currently facing a childcare crisis, driven by a severe shortage of providers and rising attrition, resulting in high ratios of children to providers and frequent disruptions to caregiving relationships. These disruptions harm child development and limit parents’ ability to work. A recent report from Ready Nation estimated that the childcare shortage in the United States is costing the economy over $122 billion annually in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue.

In this guide, you’ll learn about:

  • How to frame pathways and opportunities for policy reform as it pertains to childcare workforce compensation
  • Identify policy barriers and ways to overcome them
  • Identify specific policies to prioritize for support

For information about this report, contact Impact Charitable at or Colorado Gives Foundation at 720.898.5900,